Every Word You Say Affects Someone, What Will You Say Next?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Come One Come All!

This forum has been opened as an invitation and provocation to everyone who has a comment of the issues at hand.

Feel free to share any feelings you have on the subject. Whether you were the one saying hurtful things or maybe they were said to you. For those of you out there with mouths that don't stop... Here's a place for you to come and take a course on respect. We challenge everyone to come here and take a stand. Tell us how you feel. We will have daily topics for you to give your opinion on.

Words to remember...
Whether you are the person speaking the words or the person hearing the words they can cause a damaging blow. Not only can they be hurtful to the person receiving them but your words can be damaging to your reputation. Choose them wisely!

Your Words Affect Someone

Have you ever thought about the words that come out of your mouth. Actually stopped and thought about how they affect people. Did you know words can cause permanenet damage when used hurtfully. Well they can. Young and old suffer words of abuse daily. You may not think about it at the time. You may even know what you have said and apologized, but I will tell you now those words may have been forgiven but they will never be forgotten.